RBI Grade B is one of the most sought-after exams in India after the Civil Services exams. In addition to that, fewer number of seats and the finest quality of aspirants, together, make it an even tougher nut to crack. It is against this backdrop that GK publications has come up with a Guide for the RBI Grade-B Phase-I Exam for the aspirants aiming to become Grade-B officers. The book is divided into four sections namely Quantitative Aptitude, General Intelligence & Reasoning, English Language & Comprehension and Banking Awareness. It includes two practice papers and a memory-based paper of the 2023 exam. The layout of the book is in accordance with the syllabus prescribed by RBI. It is designed by experts with ample experience in Exam content preparation.
Strict compliance with exam syllabus
2 practice papers
Memory-based solved paper of the 2023 exam.
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