Prix Versailles Museums
- The Smritivan Earthquake Memorial Museum in Bhuj has been listed among the 7 most beautiful museums in the world under the prestigious Prix Versailles Award.
- The Prix Versailles Award is a prestigious international award that recognizes excellence in architectural design and interior design of commercial establishments worldwide.
- Smritivan Earthquake Memorial Museum has been shortlisted by UNESCO as one of the seven most beautiful museums for the prestigious Prix Versailles Award.
- Announced each year at UNESCO since 2015, the Prix Versailles is a series of architectural competitions that shine a light on the finest contemporary projects worldwide.
- The shortlisted museums will all be competing for three 2024 World Titles – Prix Versailles, Interior and Exterior – whose laureates will be announced at UNESCO headquarters by late November
- The Prime Minister released the 17th installment of Rs 20,000 crore under PM-KISAN
- Kisan Samman Nidhi is a central sector scheme launched on 24th February 2019 to supplement the financial needs of all land-holding farmers subject to certain exclusion criteria of higher income status.
- Under PM-Kisan, financial benefit of Rs 6,000/- per year in three equal instalments, every four months, is transferred into the bank accounts of farmers’ families across the country through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode.
Sakura Science Programme 2024
- Twenty-one school students, invited by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) to participate in Sakura Programme 2024
- To develop the intellectual horizon and scientific exploration among young learners, the JST with the DoSEL has been implementing the Sakura Science High School Programme under the Sakura Science Programme (SSP) since 2014.
- The students are invited under the programme for short-term visits to Japan, giving them the opportunity to experience Japan’s cutting-edge science and technology as well as its culture.
- India participated in the program for the first time in April 2016. So far 532 students and 83 supervisors have visited Japan under this programme.
Global Wind Day
- The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) organised ‘Global Wind Day’on the 15th of June 2024
- Theme – Pawan–Urja: Powering the Future of India”, the event successfully conducted panel discussions around the ‘Role of Wind Energy in Meeting the Power Demand’, ‘Accelerating Onshore Wind Energy Adoption in India’ and ‘Offshore Wind Development in India: Bolstering India’s Energy Security’.
India’s Wind Energy Sector
- India has a history of wind energy generation-spanning more than four decades. With a cumulative installed wind power capacity of 46.4 GWby May 2024, it has progressed to become the fourth largest in the world.
- Wind energy is crucial to India’s efforts in achieving 50% of its electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030and net zero by 2070.
- States of Gujarat, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu achieved the highest wind capacity addition in the country during FY year 2023-24.
Know! the linked-up terms
Global Wind Day or World Wind Day
- It is a worldwide event that is held on June 15.
- It is organised by Wind Europe and GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council).
- It is a day when wind energy is celebrated, information is exchanged and adults and children find out about wind energy, its power, and the possibilities it holds to change the world.
- In association with EWEA and GWEC, national wind energy associations and companies involved in wind energy production organise events in many countries around the world.
- WindEurope is an association promoting the use of wind power in Europe.
- Based in Brussels it has over 500 members, which are active in over 50 countries, including manufacturers with a leading share of the world wind power market, component suppliers, research institutes, national wind and renewables associations, developers, contractors, electricity providers, finance companies, insurance companies, and consultants. making it the world’s largest and most powerful wind energy network.
- As a non-profit association, WindEurope is governed by a Board of Directors composed of Leading Members and organisations elected at a General Assembly.
- Before 2016 WindEurope was called EWEA, European Wind Energy Association.
Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC)
- The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) was established in 2005 to provide a credible and representative forum for the entire wind energy sector at an international level.
- GWEC’s mission is to ensure that wind power is established as one of the world’s leading energy sources, providing substantial environmental and economic benefits.
National Mission for Mentoring (NMM) and the National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST)
- National Council for Teacher Education, under the direction of the Department of School Education and Literacy (DoSEL), Ministry of Education, Government of India, conducted a five-day virtual orientation program on the National Mission for Mentoring (NMM) and the National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) for teachers of PM SHRI schools from 29 States/UTs/KVS/NVS across the country covering more than 1 lakh teachers.
- The sessions aimed at the capacity building of PM SHRI school teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 effectively.
Know! the linked-up schemes
National Mission for Mentoring (NMM)
- National Mission for Mentoring (NMM) is a programme in line with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which offers professional development opportunities to Mentors for sharing their knowledge, abilities, and experience with mentee to support them on their path to become effective teachers.
- The NMM aims to enhance the overall quality of education delivery.
- Launched on July 29, 2022, by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)as a pilot program in 30 selected Central Schools across the country.
- The NCTE has appointed 60 professionals as NMM mentors, covering various areas such as leadership, digital education, socio-emotional learning, and inclusive education.
- Mentors provide targeted support and guidance to mentees based on their individual needs and areas for professional growth.
National Professional Standards for Teachers
- The National Professional Standards for Teachers is a public statement comprising guidelines for effective and high-quality teaching.
- It will define teachers’ scope of work and required skills.
- By properly implementing the NPST, our schools will get highly qualified and skilled teachers.
- These expert teachers will impart professional education to make our students capable of dealing with complex 21st-century challenges.
- Through the teachers trained under the NPST, our students will learn better and perform with a deeper understanding.
- The objective of the NEP 2020 for NPST is to provide teachers for schools ready with 21st-century skills.
- The NEP 2020 has assigned the Professional Standard Setting Body (PSSB) to prepare a draft of the NPST. The PSSB is the restructured form of the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).
National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
- The NCTE is a statutory governmental body established under the National Council for Teacher Education Act of 1993 in India.
- It serves as the apex regulatory authority for teacher education and advises both central and state governments on matters related to teacher education.
- The NCTE aims to achieve coordinated development of teacher education nationwide, ensuring quality and consistency across different educational institutions.
- It is responsible for setting and upholding norms and standards in teacher education to maintain quality and integrity in the profession.
- The NCTE provides training for individuals to become teachers at various levels, including pre-primary, primary, secondary, and senior secondary education, as well as non-formal and adult education.
PM SHRI School
- PM-SHRI scheme is sponsored by the Central govt, the 60 per cent cost of the implementation cost will be borne by the Centre, while the remaining 40 per cent will be borne by the state or UT. However, in some states such as Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir and the northeast, the contribution of the Central govt can go up to 90 per cent.
- This initiative is intended to develop more than 14500 PM SHRI Schools managed by Central Government/State/UT Government/local bodies including KVS and NVS in which every student feels welcomed and cared for, where a safe and stimulating learning environment exists, where a wide range of learning experiences are offered, and where good physical infrastructure and appropriate resources conducive to learning are available to all students.
- It will nurture students in a way that they become engaged, productive, and contributing citizens for building an equitable, inclusive, and plural society as envisaged by the National Education Policy 2020.
- More than 20 lakh students are expected to be the direct beneficiaries of the scheme.
- The scheme will also promote an understanding of various dimensions of the Quality of school education and inform Policy, Practice and Implementation.
- The Scheme is proposed to be implemented over a period of 5 years w.e.f. 2022-23 to 2026-27.
Other central schemes for students
- In September 2021, the government approved a new meal scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman scheme (PM Poshan Scheme) for government and government-aided schools. The original midday meal scheme is a part of this programme.
- Under this initiative, the government provides hot-cooked meals to students, which is expected to benefit about 118 million students, studying in classes 1 to 8 across the country.
- The centre has also launched some scholarship schemes, which include PRAGATI (Scholarship for Girl Students) and PM Yashasvi Scheme for students from the Other Backward Classes, economically backward classes, and non-notified, nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes among others.
India’s Deep Sea Mission
- India set to be the 6th country to have its own Deep Sea Mission
Deep Sea Mission (progress so far)
- National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) is developing Matsyayaan 6000 which could go 6000m deep into the Ocean. The 1st stage of the harbor trial will be completed by September 2024 and subsequent trials by 2026.
- NIOT is working in collaboration with Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to successfully bear extreme pressure by developing ‘Titanium Hull’.
- Development of’ Self–floatation’ technology is in progress to deal with emergency conditions and be submerged for 72 hours.
Know! about Deep Ocean Mission
- With a view to explore deep ocean for resources and develop deep sea technologies for sustainable use of ocean resources, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the proposal of Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) on “Deep Ocean Mission” at an estimated cost of Rs. 4077.0 crore for a period of five years to be implemented in a phase-wise manner.
- DOM is one of nine missions under the Prime Minister’s Science, Technology, and Innovation Advisory Council (PMSTIAC).
- Deep Ocean Mission will be a mission-mode project to support the Blue Economy Initiatives of the Government of India.
- Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) will be the nodal Ministry implementing this multi-
- institutional ambitious mission. The aim of Deep Ocean Mission is to help India in achieving target of over Rs. 100 billion “Blue Economy” through its ocean resources.
Major Objectives of Deep Ocean Mission
- To address issues arising from long term changes in the ocean due to climate change
- To develop technologies for deep-sea mission of living (biodiversity) and non-living (minerals) resources
- To develop underwater vehicles and underwater robotics
- To provide ocean climate change advisory services
- To identify technological innovations and conservation methods for sustainable utilization of marine bio-resources
- To develop offshore-based desalination techniques
- To develop renewable energy generation techniques
- To provide clean drinking water and explore the avenues of desalination of water as well as extracting minerals from the ocean belt.
- Mineral exploration – rare earth metals commercial exploitation, exploration and discovery of metals and poly metallic nodules in the Indian Sea bed
India’s First and Unique Manned Ocean Mission, Samudrayan
- It was launched on 29 October 2021 from Chennai.
- With this step India joined the elite club of nations such as USA, Russia, Japan, France and China in having such underwater vehicles for carrying out subsea activities.
- It will facilitate MoES in carrying out deep ocean exploration of the non- living resources such as polymetallic manganese nodules, gas hydrates, hydro-thermal sulphides and cobalt crusts, located at a depth between 1000 and 5500 metres.
- The preliminary design of the manned submersible MATSYA 6000 is completed and realization of vehicle has been started with various organizations including Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) and Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) roped-in to support the development.
- Sea trials of 500 metre rated shallow water version of the manned submersible are expected to take place soon and MATSYA 6000 will be ready for trials by the second quarter of 2024.
With Samudrayaan, India is embarking on a groundbreaking crewed expedition to reach a depth of 6,000 m to the ocean bed in the Central Indian Ocean. This historic journey will be accomplished by Matsya6000, a deep-ocean submersible designed to accommodate a crew of three members.
Miyawaki Plantations
- To realise the vision of saturating National Highways with green cover, NHAIwill undertake a unique initiative to plant Miyawaki plantation on land parcels adjacent to National Highways at various locations.
Know! about Miyawaki plantations
- Miyawaki plantations, also known as Miyawaki method is a unique Japanese approach to ecological restoration and afforestation development.
- This method aims to create dense, native, and biodiverse forests in a short period of time.
- These forests retain ground water and helps to recharge the ground water table.
- With this method, trees grow ten times faster and the plantations act as a sound and dust barrier.
- For successful implementation of the Miyawaki Plantation method, focus will be on plantation of indigenous species of plants that can survive in the local climate and soil conditions.
World Sickle Cell Day
- With the aim to create awareness and halt inter-generational transmission of the Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), the Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) and the knowledge partner Birsa Munda Centre, AIIMS Delhi is organising a National Conclave for awareness generation on SCD, on the occasion of World Sickle Cell Day
- June 19th is officially designated as World Sickle Cell Awareness Day.
- The international awareness day is observed annually with the goal to increase public knowledge and an understanding of sickle cell disease, and the challenges experienced by patients and their families and caregivers.
- This year the theme of World Sickle Disease Day is ‘Building and strengthening global sickle cell communities, formalizing newborn screening and knowing your sickle cell disease status’.
Know! about SCD
- SCD refers to a group of inherited blood disorders, wherein a genetic mutation causes abnormal haemoglobin to clump together, causing the red blood cells to turn sickle shaped.
- These sickle-shaped cells cause blockages in the blood flow, which can lead to anaemia, pain, infections and other severe complications.
- Individuals with sickle cell trait carry only one defective gene and typically live normal lives, but they can pass the gene to their chil Therefore, it is advisable for all adults and newborns to undergo a medical screening for sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait.
PM inaugurates Nalanda University Campus in Rajgir, Bihar
- The Prime Minister inaugurated the new campus of Nalanda University at Rajgir, Bihar.
- The University is conceived as a collaboration between India and East Asia Summit(EAS) countries.
- Several eminent people including the Head of Missions of 17 countries attended the inauguration ceremony.
- Nalanda Campus with its pioneering Net Zero Energy, Net Zero Emission, Net Zero Water and Net Zero Waste model will carry forward the spirit of sustainability.
- The Nalanda University Campus has two Academic Blocks with 40 Classrooms having a total seating capacity of around 1900.
- It has two auditoriums having a capacity of 300 seats each, a student hostel with a capacity of around 550 students and various other facilities including an International Centre, an Amphitheater that can accommodate up to 2000 individuals, a Faculty Club and a Sports Complex among others.
- The Campus is a ‘Net Zero’ Green Campus. It is Self-Sustainable with solar plant, domestic and drinking water treatment plant, water recycling plant for reusing wastewater, 100 acres of water bodies, and many other environment-friendly facilities.
- The University has a deep connection with history. The original Nalanda University, established around 1600 years ago, is considered to be amongst the first residential universities in the world. The ruins of Nalanda were declared as a UN Heritage Site in 2016.
National Forensic Infrastructure Enhancement Scheme (NFIES)
- The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister approved the proposal of Ministry of Home Affairs for Central Sector Scheme “National Forensic Infrastructure Enhancement Scheme (NFIES) with a total financial outlay of Rs. 2254.43 crore during the period from 2024-25 to 2028-29.
- Financial outlay of the Central Sector Scheme will be provisioned by the Ministry of Home Affairs from its own budget.
The Cabinet has approved the following components under this Scheme:
- Establishment of Campuses of the National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU) in the country
- Establishment of Central Forensic Science Laboratories in the country.
- Enhancement of existing infrastructure of the Delhi Campus of the NFSU.
Know! more about the scheme
- The scheme underscores the importance of high-quality, trained forensic professionals in the timely and scientific examination of evidence for an efficient criminal justice process, leveraging the advancements in technology & evolving manifestations and methods of crime.
Offshore wind energy projects
- The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister approved the Viability Gap Funding (VGF) scheme for offshore wind energy projects at a total outlay of Rs.7453 crore, including an outlay of Rs.6853 crore for installation and commissioning of 1 GW of offshore wind energy projects (500 MW each off the coast of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu), and grant of Rs.600 crore for upgradation of two ports to meet logistics requirements for offshore wind energy projects.
- The VGF scheme is a major step towards implementation of the National Offshore Wind Energy Policy notified in 2015 with an aim to exploit the vast offshore wind energy potential that exists within the exclusive economic zone of India.
- The VGF support from the Government will reduce the cost of power from offshore wind projects and make them viable for purchase by DISCOMs.
- While the projects will be established by private developers selected though a transparent bidding process, the power excavation infrastructure, including the offshore substations, will be constructed by Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL).
- Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, as the nodal ministry, will coordinate with various Ministries/Departments to ensure the successful implementation of the scheme.
- The successful commissioning of 1 GW offshore wind projects will produce renewable electricity of about 3.72 billion units annually, which will result in annual reduction of 2.98 million ton of CO2equivalent emission for a period of 25 years.
India Post Payments Bank joins forces with Ria Money Transfer to offer unique remittance services across Rural India
• India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) has announced its partnership with Ria Money Transfer (Ria), global leader in the cross-border money transfer industry and business segment of Euronet Worldwide, Inc.
• The ease of access brought by this collaboration will provide customers in remote areas across India with convenient and affordable doorstep financial services.
- The IPPB & Ria’s partnership will increase people’s access to banking services at their doorstep & help them withdraw only to the extent they need immediately, ensuring they get saved from the earlier hassles and risks, thereby experiencing financial inclusion in true sense, leading to their long-term economic growth.
- Through this partnership, the International Inward Money Transfer service will become available at more than 25,000 Post Office locations immediately with an expected reach to over 100,000 locations through the Post Offices.
- By combining IPPB’s reach through world’s largest postal network and esteemed reputation with Ria’s global network and extensive product offering, customers across India will be able to benefit from a fast, convenient and safe doorstep service no matter where they are.
About India Post Payment Bank
- India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) has been established under the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communication with 100% equity owned by Government of India. IPPB was launched on September 1, 2018.
- The bank has been set up with the vision to build the most accessible, affordable and trusted bank for the common man in India.
- The fundamental mandate of India Post Payments Bank is to remove barriers for the unbanked & underbanked and reach the last mile leveraging the Postal network comprising 1,61,000+ Post Offices (1,43,000 in rural areas) and 190,000+ Postal employees.
- IPPB’s reach and its operating model is built on the key pillars of India Stack – enabling Paperless, Cashless and Presence-less banking in a simple and secure manner at the customers’ doorstep, through a CBS-integrated smartphone and biometric device.
About Ria Money Transfer:
- Ria Money Transfer, a business segment of Euronet (NASDAQ: EEFT), delivers innovative financial services including fast, secure, and affordable global money transfers. With the second most extensive cash settlement network and the largest direct bank deposit network in the world, Ria gets money to where it matters.
National Institute of Mountaineering and Adventure Sports (NIMAS)
- The National Institute of Mountaineering and Adventure Sports (NIMAS), on June 19, 2024, felicitated five of its distinguished alumni who have successfully summited Mount Everest. Kabak Yano (2024), Tagit Sorang Abraham (2021), Tashi Yangjom (2021), Tongchen Nimsonga (2018) and Dorjee Khandu (2018)
Know! about NIMAS
- The National Institute of Mountaineering and Adventure Sports (NIMAS) is an autonomous institute under the Indian Ministry of Defence, which provides specialized training in mountain rescue, mountaineering and adventure sports.
- The institute was founded by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh and is located in Dirang of the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh.
- NIMAS is the first National Institute of India mandated to conduct adventure courses in the field of land, air and aqua.
- NIMAS is a premier institution dedicated to providing world-class training in all three verticles (Land, Aero and Aqua) of adventure and presently imparts adventure course certification in mountaineering, mountain terrain biking, white water rafting, scuba diving, paramotor and paragliding.
- With a focus on holistic development and excellence, NIMAS aims to cultivate skilled, resilient, and environmentally conscious adventurers.
3rd edition of World Food India
- Union Minister of Food Processing Industries launched the website and mobile application for World Food India 2024.
- Ministry is organizing, World Food India − the nation’s largest food event, to foster collaboration and partnerships among global and Indian food sector stakeholders from 19thto 22nd September 2024.
- Additionally, this year, to give impetus to the growing startup ecosystem and foster innovation, the Ministry is launching the 2ndedition of the Startup Grand Challenge in collaboration with Startup India.
- WFI 2024 in continuation to the previous edition is an industry-driven inclusive event hosted by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries
- Participants – global investors, business leaders, and stakeholders like food processors, equipment manufacturers, logistics and cold chain players, technology providers, start-ups, and food retailers
- World Food India 2023 was a resounding success witnessing 1,208 exhibitors, 715 international buyers from 90 countries, 24 states, and 75,000 attendees.
Vadhavan Port
- The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister approved setting up a Major Port at Vadhavan near Dahanu in Maharastra.
- The Project will be constructed by Vadhavan Port Project Limited (VPPL), an SPV formed by Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) and Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB) with a shareholding of 74% and 26%, respectively.
- The Vadhavan Port will be developed as an all-weather Greenfield deep draft major port in Vadhavan, Palghar District, Maharashtra.
- The Project will create a cumulative capacity of 298 million metric tons (MMT) per annum, including around 23.2 million TEUs (Twenty-foot equivalents) of container handling capacity.
- The capacities created will also aid EXIM trade flow through IMEEC (India Middle East Europe Economic Corridor) and INSTC (International North South Transportation Corridor).
Container Port Performance Index (CPPI)
- In a significant boost to India’s port development programme, as many as 9 ports of India made it to the Global Top 100 in the latest edition of Container Port Performance Index (CPPI), 2023 – a report prepared by the World Bank and S&P Global Marketing Intelligence.
- Vishakhapatnam Port has showcased strong performance with 27.5 moves per crane hour, a turnaround time (TRT) of 21.4 hours, and minimal berth idle time.
- These metrics highlight the port’s efficiency in handling container ships and significantly influence customer preference.
- Seven other Indian ports, which secured ranks in the top 100, are Pipavav (41), Kamarajar (47), Cochin (63), Hazira (68), Krishnapatnam (71), Chennai (80) and Jawaharlal Nehru (96).
10th International Day of Yoga (IDY)
- On the occasion of 10th International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21st June 2024, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi lead the International Yoga Day Celebrations from Sri Nagar on the banks of Dal Lake.
- This year’s theme, “Yoga for Self and Society,” emphasizes yoga’s vital role in fostering both individual well-being and societal harmony.
- The International Day of Yoga is a day in recognition of Yoga, that is celebrated across the world annually on 21 June, following its adoption by the United Nations in 2014
- Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India.
- The word ‘yoga’ derives from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness.
- Today it is practiced in various forms around the world and continues to grow in popularity.
- Recognizing its universal appeal, on 11 December 2014, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Day of Yoga by resolution 69/131.
- The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga.
- The draft resolution establishing the International Day of Yoga was proposed by India and endorsed by a record 175 member states.
- The proposal was first introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address during the opening of the 69th session of the General Assembly
Gomphonemoid diatom
- Researchers have discovered a new genus of the Gomphonemoid diatom found in the clean water river of the Eastern Ghats.
- The genus which has an interesting suite of features, distinguishing it from the other members in the group Gomphonemoid in terms of valve symmetry and other certain valve features, has been named Indiconemato value its restricted distribution in the country.
- The research underlines the importance of diatoms in shaping the biodiversity of India’s diverse landscapes.
Know! about Diatoms
- Diatoms are microscopic algae that play a crucial role in our everyday lives by producing 25 per cent of global oxygen, approximately every fourth breath of oxygen we inhale.
- They serve as a base of the aquatic food chain. Due to their sensitivity towards any water chemistry changes, they are excellent indicators of aquatic health.
- Diatoms are the first recorded microorganisms in India, with Ehrenberg’s first report dating back to 1845 in his voluminous publication Mikrogeologie. Since then, several studies in India have recorded diatoms from freshwater and marine environments.
- A rough estimate counts that there are nearly 6,500 diatom taxa, of which 30 per cent are endemic (restricted to a particular region) to India, suggesting India’s unique biodiversity.
- Indiconemadiscovered by scientists differs in having a pore field at both the head and foot pole rather than having only at the foot pole.
- The evolution of monsoons structured the rainforest biome across the Indian Peninsula and the associated varying wetness, which has a direct role in shaping the diatom flora.
- Additionally, based on the morphological features of this group, the researchers have suggested that Indiconemais sister to Afrocymbella, a genus endemic to East Africa.
A diatom is any member of a large group comprising several genera of algae, specifically microalgae, found in the oceans, waterways and soils of the world. Living diatoms make up a significant portion of the Earth’s biomass: they generate about 20 to 50 percent of the oxygen produced on the planet each year, take in over 6.7 billion tonnes of silicon each year from the waters in which they live, and constitute nearly half of the organic material found in the oceans.
India-European Union Trade and Technology Council (TTC)
- India-European Union Trade and Technology Council (TTC) Working Group 2 jointly organized the startup matchmaking event featuring twelve high-impact solution providers in Battery Recycling Technologies for Electric Vehicles
- This initiative aligns with India and the EU’s commitment to promote a sustainable agenda, foster innovation, and forge stronger economic relations between India and the European Union.
- The event offered the startups/SMEs an exclusive platform to pitch their innovative technologies.
- This Matchmaking event today brings together the best talents and technologies in the battery recycling space on both sides, giving them an exclusive platform for exchange, networking, and prospective investments.
- As a next step, three start-ups each from the India and EU will be awarded the opportunity to visit the EU and India, respectively for a week-long market immersion experience.
Know! about the Trade and Technology Council set up by India and the EU
- The India-EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC) was first announced by the European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, and India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, in April 2022.
- Established on February 6, 2023, this strategic coordination mechanism allows both sides to tackle challenges at the nexus of trade, trusted technology, and security and deepens cooperation in these fields.
- Establishing India-EU TTC is a key step towards a strengthened strategic partnership for the benefit of all people in India and the EU.
National Additive Manufacturing Symposium (NAMS) – 2024
- Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) inaugurated the first National Additive Manufacturing Symposium (NAMS) – 2024, being organized at New Delhi to provide an overview of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) ecosystem in India.
- The event featured release of Additive Manufacturing Landscape Report and unveiled indigenously developed additive manufacturing machine.
- The National Strategy for Additive Manufacturing (NSAM), released in 2022, embodies a comprehensive vision aimed at harnessing the full potential of this transformative technology to drive industrial growth, innovation, and inclusive development.
- So far, seven centers, dedicated to deployment and development of AM technologies, are serving as vibrant hubs by actively involving diverse stakeholders to invigorate AM ecosystem
- The NAMS-2024 has seen participation from diverse stakeholders, g. industry, academia and government.
- Additive Manufacturing (AM) ecosystem in India were held amongst diverse stakeholders e.g. industry, academia, and government.
Know! about Additive manufacturing (AM)
- Additive manufacturing (AM) or additive layer manufacturing (ALM) is the industrial production name for 3D printing, a computer-controlled process that creates three-dimensional objects by depositing materials, usually in layers.
- Using computer-aided design (CAD) or 3D object scanners, additive manufacturing allows for the creation of objects with precise geometric shapes. These are built layer by layer, as with a 3D printing process, which is in contrast to traditional manufacturing that often requires machining or other techniques to remove surplus material.
International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO)
- On 21 June every year, the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) celebrates the World Hydrography Day to raise awareness about hydrography and how it plays a vital role in improved knowledge of the seas and oceans.
- The theme for 2024 is “Hydrographic Information – Enhancing Safety, Efficiency and Sustainability in Marine Activities”
- The Indian Naval Hydrographic Department (INHD) functions under the Indian Navy as the nodal agency for Hydrographic surveys and nautical charting in India.
- The department has the mandate to undertake hydrographic surveys and publish navigational charts.
- Till date, more than 650 electronic and paper navigation charts covering the national and international waters have been published for utilisation of merchant mariner and navies of the world.
- The department as NAVAREA VIII coordinator, covering an area of 26 Million km of Indian Ocean, shares information concerning safety of navigation at sea through the web portal “India WINS – Indian Warning Information and Navigation Services”.
- This module provides near-real-time information and since its launch in Dec 2022, it has crossed over 5 million views with an average of over 3500 visitors per day in keeping with Digital India initiative of the Government.
- The National Institute of Hydrography (NIH) at Goa is the centre for imparting training in Hydrography and is accredited by International Hydrographic Organisation for National and International Trainees for award of Cat A and Cat B certificates. Till date, more than 800 trainees from 41 different countries have been trained at NIH.
What is the purpose of hydrography?
- By mapping out water depth, the shape of the seafloor and coastline, the location of possible obstructions and physical features of water bodies, hydrography helps to keep our maritime transportation system moving safely and efficiently.
- A smart AI enabled Yoga mat developed by a startup funded and incubated at Department of Science and Technology (DST) supported TIH of IIT Mandi was presented to Union Council of Ministers on the occasion of International Yoga Day.
- The mat called YogiFy, which is equipped with a built-in innovative sensor layer, tracks postures of Yoga performers and offers suggestions to help correct their posture in real time.
- It has been developed by a startup incubated at the Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) iHub at IIT Mandi supported under NM-ICPS Programme of DST.
- It has the potential to revolutionise at-home yoga experience by leveraging AI and Computer Vision (CV) technologies to enable comfortable yoga practice.
- The mat which is a fully indigenous Make in India product has several benefits. \
- The startup Wellnesys Technologies Private Ltd. has received recognition from Ministry of AYUSH.
- YogiFi Smart Mat works seamlessly with other smart devices at home to setup the right ambience for performing yoga.
National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical System (NM-ICPS).
- Department of Science & Technology (DST) is implementing multi-stakeholder National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical System (NM-ICPS).
- The Mission was approved by the Union Cabinet in 2018 at a total outlay of Rs.3660 Crores for a period of five years.
- NM-ICPS is a comprehensive Mission aimed at complete convergence with all stakeholders by establishing strong linkages between academia, industry, Government and International Organizations.
- The Mission working with all the concerned Ministries/ Departments to identify their technology needs, develop solutions and technical support.
- The Mission aims at development of technology platforms to carry out R&D, Translational Research, Product Development, Incubating & Supporting Start-ups as well as Commercialization.
- Under the NM-ICPS, 25 Technology Innovation Hubs (TIHs) have been established in reputed institutes across the country.
e-SAKSHI Portal
- A two days Hands-on Training Workshop on e-SAKSHI Portal for revised fund flow procedure underMembers of Parliament Local Area Development (MPLAD) Scheme is being organized by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI)
- Under the MPLAD Scheme, an amount of Rs. 5 crore is allocated to each Member of Parliament (MP) and they can recommend development works for creating durable community assets based on locally felt needs.
- The scheme has an annual outlay of around Rs. 4000 crore, which is used for implementation of recommended works sanctioned by the District Authorities.
- The MPLADS guidelines have been revised with effect from 1 April 2023 and eSAKSHI portal was launched, which is an end to end solution for efficient and transparent implementation of the MPLAD scheme.
Benefits of e-SAKSHI portal
- In the new system, the release of entitlements has been streamlined and authorization of Rs.5 crore is issued in one go at the beginning of the Financial Year.
- Transitions from physical accounts to a digital platform has eliminated the need for pre-conditions in fund release, enhancing agility and reducing bureaucratic hurdles.
- MPs can now digitally recommend, view and review projects, through a click and OTP-based verification system.
- They can also recommend works on the go, through the mobile app.
- District Authorities can sanction works and monitor implementation by Implementing Agencies.
- Payments are directly made to the Implementing Agencies on uploading proof of completion of works on the portal after verification by District Authorities.
- Real-time visibility and tracking of works and fund utilization on e-SAKSHI portal, through the dashboards available to all stakeholders ensures enhanced transparency and accountability in scheme implementation.
- Military College of Telecommunication Engineering (MCTE), Indian Army and Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research (SAMEER), an autonomous R&D laboratory under the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to advance collaboration in ‘Next Generation Wireless Technologies for Indian Army’.
- This initiative marks a significant milestone in strengthening the Indian Army’s technological capabilities which is aligned towards declared vision for 2024 as ‘Year of Technological Absorption for Indian Army’ by Chief of Army Staff
- MoU signing is expected to reinvigorate this collaboration, with plans to establish an ‘Advanced Military Research and Incubation Centre’ at MCTE. This centre aims to focus on Advanced Wireless Technologies for the Indian Army.
The key objectives of this partnership include:
- Joint Research and Development. Collaborative projects will target deployable solutions, leveraging combined expertise in 5G, 6G, advanced cellular technologies, Software Defined Radios & Cognitive Radios, Satellite Communications, Antenna Design, Free Space Optics, and Tropo-scatter communications, as well as AI, Quantum, and military-specific chip design.
- Incubation Centre. The centre will support the development of military-specific innovative solutions from conceptualization to large-scale production, involving MSMEs and start-ups.
- In addition, the MoU also aims at knowledge exchange, training and development aspects.
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